TLBC Style | How to wear Kira admin April 20, 2019
TLBC Style | How to wear Kira

When you think of a halter neckline it’s attached to a top or a dress but what about a bra?

Cue…Kira! Our Kira bralette is designed with a halter neckline and is unique because unlike other bralettes, this petite bra is bra-sized to give you a customized fit!

What’s great about halter bras is that they help proportion the frame and highlight the shoulders. The halter neckline also creates volume in the décolletage area, which is great for petite and smaller-framed figures.

Not sure how to style Kira? Here are some ideas… Don’t be afraid to let the pretty lace peek out under your wide v-neck, cold shoulder or scoop neck top. Kira is a great foundation to layer on top of.

Kira For Blog (3)

Kira For Blog (2)



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