Journal Notes from Emily @Home | Social Distancing admin March 27, 2020
Journal Notes from Emily @Home | Social Distancing

Today, I did my first virtual yoga class thanks to @corepoweryoga. (They are providing free live
classes on YouTube.) I found a corner in my bedroom and set my mat up to join a group of 200+
yoga students from around the world to salute the sun from the inside of our homes. It felt good
to take deep breaths and get blood flowing all the way to my toes. These are surreal times, but I
am determined to make the best of it.


As my yoga teacher reminded us to engage our core, the word “engage” made me think of you all–my TLBC community. So, for the rest of class, I set you as my intention. In meetings
regarding social media, our consultants and experts are always talking about engagement. It is
THE marketing buzzword. However, I’ve always felt that engagement is more than selling you
our product. More than ever now, I hope to really connect with you, so I’m temporarily taking
over our blog while we are all @home so we can be in this together. Aside from our usual posts
about our our bras and panties, we hope to offer you some tips on how to make the most of social
distancing and bring you some stories of hope and optimism.

Even though we are physically farther apart than ever, I actually feel closer.

I read this on a friend’s Instagram post today…If you can’t go outside, go inside. I couldn’t agree more.


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